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ERP therapy worksheets [FREE PDF Download]

ERP worksheets are essential tools in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for tracking progress, managing anxiety, and promoting accountability. They help individuals break down fears, reinforce learning, and provide therapists with valuable insights to personalize treatment.

ERP Excersice Recording Worksheet [FREE PDF Download]: Track progress, reduce anxiety, and empower clients with ERP therapy worksheets that target compulsive behaviors and identify triggers.


ERP Symptom Monitoring Worksheet [FREE PDF Download]: Help clients track triggers, responses, and progress with ERP therapy worksheets for more effective OCD and anxiety treatment.


ERP Practice Form Worksheet [FREE PDF Download]: ERP therapy worksheets help clients document exposures, track progress, and reduce anxiety. Essential for systematic ERP treatment success.


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✅ SOAP, DAP, EMDR, Intake notes and more

✅ Individual, Couple, Child, Family therapy types

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Why ERP Worksheets Are Essential

ERP worksheets provide a clear, structured way for clients and therapists to track exposure activities, anxiety levels, and responses. This allows for real-time monitoring of progress and helps to identify patterns or areas needing further work.

  • Encourages Accountability and Consistency

By using worksheets, individuals commit to documenting their thoughts, behaviors, and reactions. This fosters accountability, ensuring clients stick to their ERP exercises between therapy sessions.

  • Helps Manage Anxiety in a Tangible Way

The worksheets break down fears or triggers into manageable steps, helping clients face their anxiety one exposure at a time. They create a roadmap that makes the process less overwhelming and offers a sense of accomplishment as clients work through exposures.

  • Reinforces Learning and Reflection

ERP worksheets enable clients to reflect on their experiences after completing an exposure. This reflection helps reinforce learning, as clients can observe the reduction in anxiety or obsessive behaviors over time.

In summary, ERP worksheets play a critical role in the success of exposure therapy by providing structure, enhancing accountability, and supporting long-term progress for individuals dealing with anxiety and OCD.

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