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ERP Symptom Monitoring Worksheet [FREE PDF Download]

Help clients track triggers, responses, and progress with ERP therapy worksheets for more effective OCD and anxiety treatment.

As a therapist working with clients who suffer from OCD or anxiety disorders, implementing ERP therapy worksheets can significantly enhance the therapeutic process. These worksheets provide a structured way for clients to monitor their triggers, anxiety levels, and responses during their exposure and response prevention (ERP) sessions.

What ERP Therapy Worksheets Do

The ERP therapy worksheets serve several crucial functions:

  • Track the client’s symptoms, including triggers and anxiety levels.
  • Document the client’s attempts to prevent compulsive responses.
  • Provide a record of time spent during exposure and the progression of anxiety reduction.
  • Encourage clients to reflect on their experience after each session, fostering awareness and growth.

Let Mentalyc AI Write Your Progress Notes Fast

✅ HIPAA Compliant

✅ Insurance Compliant

✅ SOAP, DAP, EMDR, Intake notes and more

✅ Individual, Couple, Child, Family therapy types

✅ Template Builder

✅ Recording, Dictation, Text & Upload Inputs

Why the Worksheet is Essential

ERP therapy worksheets are essential for client success. They provide structure, allowing clients to engage in ERP therapy more mindfully. The process of documenting each session not only reinforces their commitment to the therapy but also empowers them to take control of their progress. By tracking real-time data on anxiety levels and compulsions, therapists can make informed decisions about the direction of treatment.

Incorporating ERP therapy worksheets into your sessions is a powerful way to support clients in overcoming the challenges of OCD and anxiety, ensuring measurable progress along the way.

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