Home > Worksheets & Cheatsheets > Cognitive Restructuring: Thoughts on Trial [FREE PDF Download]

Cognitive Restructuring: Thoughts on Trial [FREE PDF Download]

Invest in your clients' success with this essential tool, helping them to challenge negative thought patterns.

As a mental health professional, you know the power of cognitive restructuring in helping clients overcome negative thought patterns. However, finding effective tools to guide this process can be challenging. That's where Mentalyc’s Cognitive Restructuring: Thoughts on Trial worksheet comes in handy.

Why Mentalyc’s Cognitive Restructuring: Thoughts on Trial is Essential:

  • It is a practical and engaging tool for your clients
  • It eliminates the need to create materials from scratch
  • This worksheet simplifies the complex process of cognitive restructuring, making it easier for your clients to understand

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This Worksheet guides clients through the process of :

  • Identifying the thought to be challenged
  • Gathering supporting and contradicting evidence
  • Considering other possible thoughts
  • Assessing the accuracy of their thoughts given the evidence and alternative options

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