Home > Worksheets & Cheatsheets > Anger Management Skill Cards Worksheet [FREE PDF Download]

Anger Management Skill Cards Worksheet [FREE PDF Download]

Children can discover the power of anger management and carry around reminders with this fun and interactive worksheet.

Mentalyc’s Anger Management Skill Cards offer a unique and engaging approach to teaching children healthy anger management strategies. By providing a resource that can be used both in and outside of therapy sessions, these cards can significantly enhance your young client's ability to manage anger effectively.

Why this Anger Management Worksheet is Essential for Your Clients:

  • Skill cards provide children with a sense of control over their emotions
  • By practicing the strategies on the cards, children develop a range of healthy coping mechanisms
  • The cards can be used as a self-help tool, empowering children to manage anger independently.

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✅ Individual, Couple, Child, Family therapy types

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✅ Recording, Dictation, Text & Upload Inputs

Leverage this anger management worksheet in multiple ways:

  • Card of the Day: Choose one card each day and focus on practicing that skill
  • Anger Management Game: Take turns drawing cards and acting out the skill.

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