Home > Worksheets & Cheatsheets > ABC Model for REBT [FREE PDF Download]

ABC Model for REBT [FREE PDF Download]

Guide your clients through the process of using the ABC Model to manage their emotions. By understanding this concept they can challenge irrational beliefs and develop healthier coping mechanisms

The ABC Model worksheet is designed to help streamline the ABC model framework that is the cornerstone of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT). This model enables clients to identify the connection between Activating Events (A), Beliefs (B), and Consequences (C).

Why The ABC Model for REBT Worksheet is Essential:

This worksheet offers a clear and concise format for clients to explore their intricate emotional experiences. This tool can be used to identify irrational beliefs and develop alternative, healthier thought patterns. By incorporating the ABC model into your therapeutic practice, you can empower clients to take control of their emotional well-being and build resilience.

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This Worksheet helps your clients:

  • Identify activating events in their lives
  • Recognize their beliefs and thought patterns
  • Understand the consequences of their beliefs on their feelings and actions
  • Develop rational alternatives to your beliefs

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