Treatment Plan for Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are often very complex and affect multiple parts of a person's life. For many, food is not just food; it is security, punishment, or even a means of…

Evidence Based Practice in Mental Health (With Examples)

Evidence-based practice (EBP) in mental health is perceived as the standard for delivering effective, personalized care. By weaving together scientific research, clinical expertise, and the unique needs of patients, EBP…

Clinical Supervision Models

Clinical supervision models provide various approaches based on our stage of development as therapists, the challenges we encounter, and the feedback that best supports our growth. Clinical supervision isn’t a…
Symptom Checklist-90-R (SCL-90-R)

Symptom Checklist-90-R (SCL-90-R)

The Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) is a powerful tool for uncovering the complexities of psychological distress. Widely used in both clinical and research settings, this self-report questionnaire helps therapists identify and…
Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (TSCC)

Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (TSCC)

Childhood trauma leaves deep emotional and psychological scars, often manifesting in ways that can profoundly affect a child’s development and well-being. It can shape the way they regulate emotions, form…
Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) – A Complete Guide

Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) – A Complete Guide

In the fast-paced and increasingly demanding world of mental health care, having efficient tools to screen for psychological distress is essential. The Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) is one such tool—a…
AI in Mental Healthcare: A Complete Guide

AI in Mental Healthcare: A Complete Guide

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming mental healthcare, offering innovative solutions to address the growing global demand for mental health support. From AI-driven chatbots providing therapeutic assistance to algorithms detecting early…